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Fine Art and Concepts

Ash Kleczka

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Hogwash and Newton Livestream

Hi all! It’s been a little while since I tried my hand at any speed paintings, let alone a livestream, but you know what? What better day than today?

First things first, thank you all for your continued patience while I figure out how to correctly set up OBS and Premier for capture. I think I’ve almost got it – though this time around I lost the bottom edge of my screen.

Next time!

So these are a couple of characters that I came up with at work a couple of weeks ago – Hogwash and Newton. At first I truthfully told my husband that I wasn’t sure which one was which when he asked – but now I’ve decided that it’s just a bit of flavor to the image. I don’t think they know which one is which.

Initially I started with a graphite sketch:

Hogwash and Newton goblin and pig sketch

Click for big

Normally my process from there if I’m going to do a full digital painting would involve mapping colors and temperatures out, figuring out form and placement – and working directly in color from the get-go. However, I know tons of illustrators that work off of a black and white value painting and I can totally see the (heheh) value in doing it that way.

I will say one of my weakest points in my illustration thus far has been lighting and contrast. This – this is designed to push both of those. SO – I’m trying it. Not sure how I’m going to implement colors later – but I figure I’ll cross that bridge when I get there. I’m imagining I’ll be throwing a lot of stuff at the figurative wall before something sticks.

Since I’m going to be working digitally for a while – I decided to go ahead and make an account on Picarto. I’d kind of avoided it for a long time because I can be easily distracted while I’m working, I didn’t want to waste people’s time with my scattered processes – but I actually think having an audience will help keep me accountable and focused on my work.

If you interested in seeing me work – check out my page at:  I hope to continue to host a livestream a minimum of once a week.


Let’s see if I can keep that up!


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