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Fine Art and Concepts

Ash Kleczka

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Bombardier Balloon Paint

It’s late, I know, super sorry about that – but I finally got part two of the bombardier balloon done!


Still fiddling with different export and capture settings. It’s not quite there yet, but I think I’m getting closer. Here you can see that I’m still using the same brush set as before, it’s pretty much my home-base at this point. This time, however, I’m using the gouache brushes to get that papery painted look.

You can also see that I completely fill in a shape with solid color and then lock the pixels on the layer before starting to paint. Pixel locking a layer is different from locking the layer entirely. Instead of protecting the whole layer from edit, it only protects pixels with 0 value. Any part of the canvas with nothing on it will stay that way! This is so I can get my brush strokes to be looser and more gestural without having to paint and repaint sections every time I go out of the lines.

Another thing to keep in mind is reflective light, which I’ll be highlighting (haha) in the next video, where I finish this up.


View the previous post, and see the full line art of the piece


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